paraplanning online
Individual Accounts

Quick Reference Guide

Quick reference guide to the comprehensive solution

The table below provides a quick reference guide to the areas of financial planning and products covered by the sections of the report writing system.



Executive Summary

  • Optional summary
  • Automatically populated


  • Individual, corporate or review
  • Background and objectives
  • Basis of advice
  • Meeting date chronology
  • Other areas discounted
  • Attitude to risk (investment)
  • Attitude to risk (mortgage)
  • Attitude to risk (protection)
  • Capacity for loss
  • Investment knowledge & experience

Investment Strategies

  • Individual funds
  • Model portfolios
  • DFM
  • Structured products
  • Property & land purchases
  • Target date funds

Investment Review - Actions

  • Internal fund switch to individual funds
  • Internal fund switch to model portfolios
  • Surrender
  • Bed & NISA
  • Retain
  • Retain & top up
  • Chargeable event calculation + personalised illustration
  • Capital gains tax calculation + personalised illustration
  • Share class conversion
  • Re-registration

Investment Review – Tax Wrappers

  • Stocks and shares NISA
  • Junior ISA
  • OEICs
  • Unit trusts
  • Investment trusts
  • Discretionary management service
  • Unit linked bonds
  • With profit bonds
  • Maximum investment plan
  • Friendly society savings plan
  • NS certificates
  • NS premium bonds
  • NS fixed rate bonds
  • NS investment bonds
  • Guaranteed growth bond
  • Guaranteed income bond
  • Stock market linked bond
  • Cash ISA
  • Endowment plan
  • Onshore bond (+ in trust)
  • Offshore bond (+ in trust)
  • VCT
  • EIS
  • IHT portfolio service
  • Exchange traded funds

Pension Review Product Wrappers

  • Personal pension plan
  • Stakeholder pension plan
  • Group pension plan
  • NEST
  • Retirement income contract
  • SIPP
  • SSAS
  • Defined benefit
  • Executive pension
  • Section 32 buyout plan
  • AVC
  • Occupational money purchase

Investment Proposition Recommendation

  • Investment administration – wrap, platform or direct
  • Mandate – advisory, discretionary or a mix
  • Investment research – which elements
  • Strategy – model portfolio, DFM, MOM, etc
  • Asset allocation – in-house, outsourced
  • Investment style – active, passive

Investment Recommendation

  • Onshore investment bond
  • Offshore investment bond
  • Junior ISA
  • NISA
  • ISA transfer
  • Exchange traded funds
  • Unit trust
  • OEIC
  • General investment account
  • Investment trust
  • Maximum investment plan
  • Endowment plan
  • Friendly society savings plan
  • VCT
  • EIS
  • IHT portfolio service

Periodic Review (MiFID II)

  • Current investments
  • Current relevance
  • Actual charges
  • Aggregate charges calculator
  • Optional pages:
  • Wrap
  • Platform
  • Investment mandate
  • Investment research
  • Investment strategy
  • Asset allocation
  • Portfolio drift
  • Investment style

Pension Recommendation

  • Personal pension plan
  • Stakeholder pension plan
  • Group pension plan
  • Occupational money purchase
  • Workplace pension
  • SIPP
  • SSAS
  • RATs (Guernsey)
  • Executive pension

Pension Switching Recommendation

  • Personal pension plan
  • Stakeholder pension plan
  • Workplace pension
  • Self-invested pension plan (SIPP)
  • Small self-administered scheme (SSAS)
  • Section 32 Buyout
  • Executive pension
  • Defined benefits scheme

DB Pension Transfer Recommendation

  • Personal pension plan
  • Stakeholder pension plan
  • Self-invested pension plan (SIPP)
  • Small self-administered scheme (SSAS)
  • Workplace pension
  • Section 32 buyout
  • Pension benefits comparisons
  • Dependants benefits comparisons
  • Projected benefits at retirement age(s)
  • Peformance Comparison
  • Charges Comparison

Retirement Income Recommendation

  • Flexi-access drawdown pension
  • Conventional annuity
  • With profit annuity
  • Unit linked annuity
  • Short term annuity
  • Uncrystallised funds pension lump sum
  • Small pots lump sum
  • Scheme pension

IHT Planning Recommendation

  • IHT liability
  • Discretionary trusts
  • IHT mitigation
  • Life insurance in trust

Protection Review & Recommendation

  • Key person
  • Decreasing term assurance
  • Business ownership protection
  • Level term assurance
  • Relevant life
  • Family income bond
  • Pension LTA
  • Whole of life
  • Pension DTA
  • PHI – individual
  • Renewable term assurance
  • PHI – executive

Mortgage Review & Recommendation

  • Main residence
  • Rental property
  • Holiday home
  • Investment property

Immediate Care Recommendation

  • Immediate care plan

Investment Proposition Review

  • Current investments
  • Retain or change investment proposition
  • Review investment portfolio
  • Portfolio drift
  • Rebalance client portfolios


  • Market outlook
  • Risk warnings
  • Property outlook
  • Technical notes
  • Notes on financial products
  • Fund fact sheets

PPOL Docs Recommendations

  • Bank & deposit accounts
  • National savings products
  • Purchase life annuity
  • Relevant life protection
  • Individual PMI
  • Group PMI
  • Group life assurance
  • Group PHI
  • Trustee investment plan
  • Equity release
  • ASU protection
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